Whirling Bird




Thin cardboard
Craft Knife
Plastic milk jug
Yard of string
Dowel (3/8-inch by 18-inches long)
Rubber bands




Step 1:

Cut a bird shape from the cardboard, and decorate with markers.         


Step 2:

To form the propeller, cut a 1 1/2-inches wide by 8-inches long strip from the milk jug. Fold the plastic strip in half, then fold down each side diagonally to the right. Pierce the center of the middle crease with the tack, then press the tack into one end of the cork so the propeller spins freely.                                                      


Step 3:

Cut a 1/2-inch-deep slit across the other end of the cork and slide the tail end of the bird into the slit.          


Step 4:

Punch a hole in the bird's beak and tie on the string. Tie the string's other end to the dowel, wrapping rubber bands around the dowel on each side of the knot to prevent it from sliding off.