Vampire Bat






2 large black trash bags
2-liter plastic soda bottle
Black electrical tape
Rubber bands
White plastic lid
2 straight sticks
Red dot stickers




                        Step 1:

To make the bat's body, wrap one of the trash bags around the plastic bottle and secure it in place with the electrical tape.   


                        Step 2:

Create the bat's ears by pinching two small bunches of plastic (near the cap end of the bottle) and wrapping a rubber band around the base of each bunch. Cut a set of fangs out of the white plastic lid, tape them in place, then affix the red stickers for eyes.                    


                        Step 3:

Cut open the other trash bag, lay it flat, then cut two large bat wings out of it, roughly in the shape of the ones shown.          


                        Step 4:

Lay one of the wings flat on the ground and place one of the sticks just above it (if necessary, trim the stick to the wing's length with clippers). Tape the three "points" on the top of the wing to the stick with electrical tape. Repeat for the other wing, then securely tape both wings to the sides of the bat's body.                      


                        Step 5:

To hang the bat, simply nestle the sticks among the branches of a tree. If the weather is particularly windy, you may want to tape the wings in place, so your bat won't take flight.