Swing Basket

5/8" flat - spokes & fillers
1/2" flat - weavers, inside rim
1/4" flat/oval - color weavers
1/4" flat/oval - top row & lashing
1/2" flat/oval - outer rim
#2 seagrass
#2 round reed - twine base
10" x 9 1/2"  D handle (or taller)
1" x 4" x 1/8"  wood scrap, cording (swing)

4 - 24" x 5/8" flat - spokes
4 - 18" x 5/8" flat - filler spokes
9 - 21" x 5/8" flat - spokes

Mark center of handle and 21" & 24" spokes on rough side.  Mark center of 18" spokes on smooth side.

Lay out 9 21" spokes rough side up horizontally aligning centers.  Weave in handle vertically beginning under top spoke.  Weave 18" filler, smooth side up vertically on each side of handle. Alternate with 24" spokes, rough side up, repeat, until all spokes are woven into base.  Pack base to 6 1/2" vertical X 10" horizontal. There may be a small space between handle and filler spokes. The rest should pack tightly. Turn base over.

Tuck filler spokes into base under 3rd spoke. Turn base back over.  Twine once around.  Upsett spokes.

Row 1-3:  1/2" flat (weave first row outside handle spoke)
Row 4-12:  1/4" flat/oval color
Row 13:  1/4" flat/oval plain

Straighten spokes and  pack all rows beginning at bottom.  Cut and tuck.

Rim:  Form rim using 1/2" flat inner rim and 1/2" flat/oval outer rim.
Line with seagrass and lash with 1/4" flat/oval. "X" handles.
Swing:  Drill handle with 1/8" bit, 1 1/2" each side of center.  Drill seat holes the same width apart as the handle holes.  (1/2" in from each end of seat)  Thread beads onto "rope" to fill area between holes on handle. (3")  Pull ends of cord through handle holes. Adjust cord to length needed.  Feed through seat holes.  Try the doll in the swing for height.  Knot ends. Trim.

This would be perfect for teddy bear collectors, you could use any size D handle.  For a taller doll, use 10" x 12" D  or  10" x 14" D.