

An effort a day keeps failure away !


Envy provides the mud that

failure throws at success.


Even a blind pig in a blizzard finds an acorn once in a while.


Failure is success if we learn from it.


God gave us two ends...

Both me and you's...

For thinking and sitting use...

Both of which we tend to abuse.

Our success depends on...

Which one we choose...

"Heads" we win..."Tails" we lose.


I'd rather be a failure at something I love 

than a success at something I hate.


If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished.


If you first you don't succeed,

Do it the way your mother told you !


If at first you don't succeed, 

don't take anymore stupid chances.


If at first you don't succeed, 

destroy all evidence that you ever tried.


If at first you don't succeed...QUIT ! 

No use being a damn fool 'bout it..!!


It's not whether you get knocked down;

it's whether you get back up.


Nothing succeeds like success.


Some people dream of success,

while others wake up 

and work hard on it...


Some players dream of success

while others wake up and work for it !!


Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.


Success comes in cans, not cant's.


Success comes in cans;  failure comes in cant's.


Success doesn't come to go to it !!!


Success is a journey not a destination.


Success is getting up just one more time

than you fall down.


Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.


Success is not forever, and failure is not fatal.


Success is the greatest revenge.


Success lies not in being the best but in doing your best.


Success needs no explanation.

Failure no alibi.


The difference between a successful person

and others in not a lack of strength,

not a lack of knowledge,

but rather in a lack of will.


The way to succeed is never quit !


To succeed, 

you need to find something to hold on to,

something to motivate you,

something to inspire you.


Too much success is not an advantage.


Try not to become a man of success

but rather try to become a man of value.


You are only defeated,

if you give up one more time than you get up.


You have to dream of success

to walk with pride.