Stars and Stripes Shirt
You will need:
- Cotton or cotton-blend T-shirt
- Red and blue fabric paints
- Paint brush
- Stiff paper or light cardboard for star templates
- Heavy aluminum foil or shirt size cardboard
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Masking tape - 2 inch wide
Prewash and iron the T-shirt.
Fold the T-shirt in half lengthwise to find the center; mark with
tape. Place foil or cardboard inside the shirt to stiffen the fabric
and protect the back. Smooth the front of the shirt flat.
Cut off a strip of masking tape a little wider then the width of
the shirt. Place it across the front of the shirt so the bottom of
the tape meets the bottom of both sleeves. Place another strip of
tape down the center front of the shirt between the previous tape
and the bottom of the shirt. Measure 2-inches on each side of the
center tape and mark lightly with a pencil. Place two more strips of
tape with the edges along your marks so all strips of tape are
2-inches away from each other. Continue placing strips of tape in
this manner across the shirt (see fig. 1). These will be your
guidelines for painting the stripes.
Cut a star out of a piece of light cardboard. Use this star
template to trace a star in the center of the shirt above the
stripes. Trace two more stars on each side and slightly above the
center star.
Paint the stars with blue fabric paint. Paint the stripes between
the strips of tape red. Let dry for several hours. Remove the tape
and the foil or cardboard from inside the shirt.
Press: Heat-set the paint if required by the paint manufacturer. |