


Black or other colors of pipe cleaners

1 1/4” black pompom

3/4” wiggly eyes

Hot melt glue




1.         Cut four pipe cleaners in half.  Fold the halves in half to find the middle. Wrap all pipe cleaners around each other in the centers to form the leg.

2.         Glue the pompom onto the center of the legs. Bend the end of each leg up so that the wire isn’t sticking out.  Bend the legs to look like spider legs.

3.         Glue on wiggly eyes.

4.         Glue on another color pipe cleaner onto the bottom of the spider in the middle.

5.         Put some glue on the top of the pencil and stick the spider to the top of the pencil.  Wrap the pipe cleaner around the pencil starting at the eraser end of the pencil. Glue the end of the pipe cleaner to the pencil.