Sewing Basket

Materials: 1 Basket (with slats, lid and handle); acrylic paint (color of choice); paintbrush; medium weight sandpaper; 5/8" ribbon trim (design and colors of choice); 1 5/8 yards of one color and 3 yards of contrasting color. 1/4 yard calico print to match trims. 1/2 lb polyester stuffing. White glue. Blunt kitchen knife or screwdriver.



1. Sand basket lightly to remove any rough edges. Paint basket (or color of choice). Two coats of paint may be required for even color. Allow paint to dry thoroughly.

2. Cut 2 one color and 3 contrasting color 28" lengths of ribbon trim. Starting at back, weave trim through sides of basket along horizontal slats. A blunt kitchen knife or screwdriver can be gently inserted between horizontals and verticals to open up space for trim to go through. Tuck ends under a vertical slat in basket.

3. To make pattern for top lining, trace lid on paper. For top, trace pattern for lining, then add 2 1/2" all around. Cut top and lining pieces from fabric. Place polyester stuffing on top of lid; lay fabric top on stuffing. Tack in place with staple gun on inside of lid, stretching fabric tightly over stuffing. Cut a slit perpendicular to back edge of fabric on either side of hinges; tuck fabric between slits under. Trim excess fabric on inside of lid close to staples. Turn 1/2" under on lining piece; glue in place over staples. 

4. Cut a 20" length of contrasting ribbon trim, tuck ends under and glue to handle of basket.