Sequined Coasters


Materials Needed:

1/4” flat brush
Aluminum foil
Bugle beads, No. 2 red 3-oz.
Containers for beads
Fabric, 1 yard of white
Iron and ironing board
Paper plates
Plastic plates
Rickrack: red, green and gold from Wright’s
Rochaille beads: 10/0 gold, green, blue, silver, clear and perle 3-oz.
Sequined appliqués, 4 from Expo International
Straight pins
Tiny glass marbles from Halcraft: gold, red, green, blue


For best results, please read all instructions before beginning project. Refer to photo for color and design placement.

1. Cut fabric into 5-3/4” squares. Make two for each coaster.
2. Create a 5” square by folding and ironing a 3/8” seam all the way around each square.
3. Cut four 5-3/4” lengths of rickrack.
4. Glue rickrack to edge of folded seams around squares. Squeeze out more glue over rickrack. Lay seamed fabric square on top of rickrack, lining up edges to match. Press fabric together so that only one edge of rickrack can be seen. Let dry.
5. Brush a thin coat of glue on top of each coaster. Let dry.
6. Apply glue to sequined appliqué and press on top of coaster.
7. Apply a generous amount of glue around the edge of coaster to create a border.
8. Place coaster on plate and pour seed beads into glue. Gently press. Let set, but not until dry.
9. Carefully pour off excess beads. Pour on tiny marbles to fill any holes. Pour off excess. Let dry.
10. Apply glue to rest of coaster, repeating steps with seed beads and marbles. Let dry.
11. For a protective finish, apply Gloss Varnish to beaded areas. Let dry.