

All I ask is that you treat me no differently 

than you would the Queen.


I don't mind living in a man's world,

as long as I get to be Queen in it!!


I'm the Queen...


Because my pantyhose say so !!


I ride in my royal coach every day.

Rain or shine without any pay.

Haul the kids to school,

skating and ballet.

Almost do it everyday.

They say that Mom is Queen...

Let me tell  you 

they are being mean.

Queen...HA ! That's a joke !!

Being Queen is just a hoax.

This like of Queen makes me moan.

Now please excuse,

got to clean the ROYAL THRONE !


I'm Queen...Your NOT King !

Get over it !!


I'm the Queen of EVERYTHING !!


Royal Pain in Training


Queen of Your Universe !!


We are not amused.