Potpourri Picture Frame

Purchase colorful scented potpourri, which has wonderful leaves, seeds, twig twists, and useful crafting flora.
Get one or more flat square styrofoam pieces (purchase or collect packing foam).

Use your glue gun, or fast drying clear glue for styrofoam.
Select a photograph and a flat styrofoam square which is double the size (width and height) of the photograph.

Center the photo on the foam piece and glue or straight-pin the corners of the photo to the foam.
Lightly streak glue on a small area of the styrofoam at a time (heat melts foam) and carefully press the gluey area into a plate of potpourri.

Create a double frame by gluing another larger square foam to the back of the first; and select a second potpourri color.
A soft romantic effect is created with varying depth double frames and carefully blending potpourri scents.