Plastic Bag Wreaths



Here's what you will need:


One coat hanger - a good heavy duty one.

Estimated 148 tan bag handles.

1 bunch of yellow/red/green leaves.

1 bunch of red/purple/green leaves.

1 bunch of flowers - yellows and oranges.

1 bunch of flowers - pinks and reds.

1 bunch of long but smaller flowers - yellow.

1 bunch of long but smaller flowers - orange.

Ribbon, 3 yards, 2 1/2" wide

4 long twist ties

You can make your own bow, but if you would like to buy yours that’s up to you.

A small candle decorations

Wire cutters





  1. Cut flowers and leaves off the bunches, leaving a 3 or 4 inch stem. Bend coat hanger in desired shape. Bend hook closed to form a loop, this will be your hanger, on the heart wreaths the hanger will be at the bottom, you can use an extra twist tie and make my hanger out of that. We will cover the hook first, that way you will know where the top of your wreath is!! We will use 2 bag handles at a time, thru out making your wreath. See photo, so you will understand.
  2. Take your first two bag handles and put them together evenly, fold in half, lay on top of your wire where your hook is. Fold the two legs on the right side of the hook under the wire and inside the fold. Repeat for the left side of legs. Pull all 4 legs, as evenly as you can, and pull as tightly as you can to form a knot. The knot must be on top on all the loops to make it look more professionally done, especially when you're using a few or no flowers!
  3. Now we will design our wreath. This step is very important so you will get an idea of where you want everything, know what it will look like, and if you want to make any changes to do it during this step.
  4. In this wreath, lay the flowers around in one direction, adding to the bow to the lower left side instead of on the bottom or the top. You first start with your leaves to layer, two leaves, three flowers, (two large flowers and one long small flower) alternating colors and sides (inside/outside for the longer but yet smaller flowers). Also notice, where you attached your first handles, they are sticking up from your flowers, since this is your hanger you know where your top of the wreath is and can make a better judgment on where you will want your bow.