Paper Mache Turtle





Sticky white craft glue (Elmer's Glue works well)

Large round balloon for the turtle's shell

Petroleum jelly


Clear gloss varnish to waterproof it




1.         To prepare: Rip up newspapers to about 1" x 3" strips. (It is important to rip the newspapers and not cut them. If you cut them the layers of newspapers will be too obvious.)

Blow up the balloon to the size you want the turtle’s shell to be.

2.         Smear petroleum jelly all over the balloon and place it in a bowl that has also been smeared with petroleum jelly. The bowl should be big enough to fit only about 1/4 of the balloon in. The bowl will hold the balloon in place and keep it from rolling around while you work. (If you don't have a big balloon you can use a bowl. Just turn it upside down and lay your strips on it.)

3.         Cover your work area with old newspapers or a plastic drop cloth.

4.         Prepare the glue mixture in a medium size bowl. To start mix 1/4 cup glue with 1/2 cup water.

Soak some of your newspaper strips in the glue mixture for a minute or two. Remove one strip at a time pulling the strips between your fingers to get rid of any excess glue and place them on the balloon to form the turtle shell. Don't worry too much about the edge of the shell you will be able to cut it even when it is dry. (It is important not to use too much glue or it will take too long to dry). Cover the top half of the balloon with one layer of newspapers overlapping them slightly so that there are no holes. When you have finished the first layer place the balloon with the bowl in a warm place to dry overnight. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times. When all the layers have dried thoroughly remove the balloon from the bowl and punch a hole in it so that the air is released. Remove the balloon carefully. Cut the shell around the edges to make it even.

5.         Cut whole page of newspaper into quarters crinkle them up and dip them in the glue solution Then press them into the bottom of the shell. Fill the shell about 1/4 of the way. Let the newspaper dry.

Now it is time to form the legs tail and head. Wrinkle up a piece of newspaper to make each legs tail and head. Then use more newspaper strips that have been soaked in the glue mixture to roll around the wrinkled up newspaper. Don't worry too much about how it looks because you will be adding paper pulp later  (which is like soft modeling clay) to finish the details.

6.         Glue the legs head and tail in place. Crinkle up more newspaper and continue filling up the shell to about half way. Fill in around the legs head and tail. Let dry.

7.         Add a layer of newspaper over the underside of the shell. Let dry.

8.         Now it is time to make pulp, which is used like modeling clay to form the nose mouth eyes toes etc. You may even want to add some texture to the shell. To make the pulp: Take 8 large sheets of newspaper and tear them into tiny squares. Cover them with hot water and let them soak for at least 24 hours. Then boil the paper in the water for about 20 minutes. Let cool. Beat the cooled mixture with an electric mixer or a food processor.  Pour the mixture into a strainer and press out most of the water.  Add glue until the mixture feels like soft modeling clay. When you are finished applying the pulp let the turtle dry thoroughly.

9.         Now you are ready to paint. You may want to use a fine sandpaper to get rid of any unwanted bumps. You can use any type of paint you have but it is probably a good idea to put a coat of white paint over the entire turtle before you add colors. When you are done painting the turtle and it is thoroughly dry apply a coat of clear varnish. This will protect your paint job and you can even put the turtle outside in your garden.