Nested Birdhouses



Painting Instructions
1. Each birdhouse or nest is numbered on the pattern.

2. Basecoat Largest birdhouse #1 with Sable Brown; Medium birdhouse #2 with Jade Green; Smallest birdhouse #3 with Buttermilk; Nest #4 with Moon Yellow; and Egg #5 with Indian Turquoise.

3. Apply patterns.

4. Largest birdhouse #1: Apply Lamp Black to the doorway. Apply a wash of Buttermilk to the area above the doorway and the stoop. A wash of Moon Yellow is applied to the straw on the roof.

* Speckle the entire birdhouse with Dark Chocolate and Lamp Black. Using the shader brushes, stroke thinned Dark Chocolate horizontally around the bottom area of the house.

* Stroke Moon Yellow and Antique Gold onto the straw on the roof and outline with Dark Chocolate. Shade under the roof and the stoop with Lamp Black.

* Stroke Buttermilk, Dark Chocolate and Lamp Black onto the area above the doorway and the stoop. Add nails on the area above the doorway with Lamp Black. Outline this and the stoop with Dark Chocolate.

* Apply Buttermilk to the bird. Apply Antique Gold to the area around the eye, then thinning the color as you go, stroke down onto the chest. Apply Moon Yellow to the beak and Antique Gold to the legs and feet. Stroke Lamp Black onto the head and add the eye. Highlight the eye with Buttermilk. Apply thinned strokes of Lamp Black to the bottom, wing and tail feathers. Outline beak, legs, feet, wing and tail feathers, and add strokes around the eye with Lamp Black. Add the straw using Moon Yellow.

* Float Lamp Black under and behind the bird, and add a stroke of thinned color to create a shadow behind the straw.

5. Medium birdhouse #2: Sponge lightly with Buttermilk, Moon Yellow and Sable Brown. Speckle with Dark Chocolate. Apply Lamp Black to the doorway. Apply Buttermilk to the bird. When dry apply a wash of Sable Brown. Apply loose, thin strokes of Moon Yellow, and slightly thinned Dark Chocolate to the nest. Smaller strokes of Lamp Black, Dark Chocolate, Moon Yellow, Jade Green, and Buttermilk are applied around the doorway.

* Stroke Sable Brown onto the bird's back to create small feathers. Apply strokes of Dark Chocolate to the back of the head, add long strokes to the wing feathers, and to the stripes on the tail. Apply Dark Chocolate to the beak. Add the eye with Lamp Black. Add a few strokes of Lamp Black along the eye and outline the head, wings, and tail. Accent the bird with Buttermilk by adding a stroke to the beak and wing feathers, strokes around the the eye and on the edges of the wing feathers.

6. Smallest birdhouse #3: Thin the Dark Chocolate slightly and apply strokes over the surface using the shader brushes, then repeat using Lamp Black and a dryer brush. Speckle the surface with Dark Chocolate and just around the doorway with Lamp Black. Apply Lamp Black to the doorway. Apply Buttermilk to the bird.

* Mix equal amounts of Dark Chocolate and Lamp Black and thin slightly, and apply to the head, tail and the darker area on the wing and beak. Stroke a thin wash of Georgia Clay on the cheek and chest. Apply Sable Brown to the peg.

* Apply a very thin wash of Lamp Black to the rest of the wing. Using Lamp Black, add eye, stroke onto the head, tail feather, and between the light and dark areas of the wing. Outline the wing and accent the feathers. Dot the eye with Buttermilk and stroke onto the light area of the wing. Apply thinned strokes of this color to the wing feathers. Add the straw using Antique Gold and accent the end and outline with Dark Chocolate. Highlight with Buttermilk.

7. Nest #4: Sponge lightly with Buttermilk. Speckle with Dark Chocolate. Apply a wash of Lamp Black to the center area. Apply long, thin strokes of Dark Chocolate all over the nest. Apply a few strokes of Dark Chocolate around the center, then Lamp Black, Moon Yellow and Buttermilk. Add the eggs with Indian Turquoise. Apply a stroke of slightly thinned Buttermilk along the top of each egg and a thinned stroke of Lamp Black along the bottom. Add a dot of Buttermilk to the top to highlight and outline with Lamp Black.

8. Egg #5: Drybrush Buttermilk onto the top center of the egg using the fabric round Brush. Speckle with thinned Lamp Black and Dark Chocolate. Add a few larger speckles with Lamp Black.

Finishing Instructions
Spray eggs with Matt Spray Sealer/Finisher.