Merry Chrismouse



Shirt Preparation-Transfer pattern

Painting Instructions
1. Base red bulbs with christmas Red So-Soft Metallics, shade with Burgundy. Base the blue bulbs with Lt. Blue, shade with Bright Blue. Base the green bulbs with Leaf Green, shade with Christmas Green.

2. Base bulb sockets with White So-Softs, then sideload shade at the sides with Gunmetal Black. Lightly paint in the cord with Gunmetal Black. Add a White highlight to each bulb.

3. Base the mouse face and ears with Grey Sky. Working wet on wet, load your brush into Grey, then sideload into the Black. Shade around the face and ears. Mix a little Red into the White and blush his cheeks and ears. Base his nose Red. Add a White highlight. Base the tooth White.

4. Base the hat Red and shade with Burgundy. Base the fur White and shade with Light Blue. Base the bow tie with Leaf Green and shade with Christmas Green. Add a White highlight. Refer to step #1 for the bulbs.

Finishing Instructions
Allow shirt to dry for 24 hours, then draw in the mouse face and around the hat with the pen. Add the short lines around the fur.

Holiday Pot Preparation-Base the pot with Gesso. Let dry.

Painting Instructions
1. Base the top of the pot with 2 coats of Burgundy, drying one hour between coats.

2. base the bottom of the pot with White. Allow to dry.

3. Apply the pattern, refer to page 45. Place the bulbs randomly and don’t trace on the cord. If you are using a larger or smaller pot, just add or subtract bulbs.

4. Base the bulb sockets with Neutral Grey. Shade edges with Black.

5. With the liner, lightly paint in the cord with Grey, freehand.

6. Add a White highlight to each bulb and the center of each bulb socket.

7. Spatter the bottom section of the pot with Burgundy.

8. With the handle end of a large brush, dot berries randomly around the top section, using a fresh puddle of paint. Let dry very well! Add small red dots on each berry with the stylus.

9. Mix Avocado and White, one to one, for the leaves. They are done by using the #0 Round Brush, using
a pressure and release method. Make them different sizes and scatter randomly. Let dry completely.

10. No varnish is necessary. Fill pot with greenery for a lovely holiday accent.