Love is in Full Bloom

(No pattern is necessary for this project.)

1. Use Flat brushes to basecoat large birdhouse, two flower pots, fence sections, flower leaves, and large sunflower shapes with Lt. Cinnamon; wood signs, three flower shapes and mini-birdhouse #2 with Taffy Cream; three flower pots, mini-birdhouses #1 and #5 with Sapphire; cat, remaining flower shapes, mini-birdhouses #3 and #4, and 3 flower pots with Country Red. Let dry.

2. Apply one even coat of Weathered Wood to all wood pieces. Let dry 20 to 60 minutes.

3. Apply color as follows: Lt. Cinnamon - large sign, cat and birdhouse #4. Taffy Cream - flower shape, roof of mini-birdhouses #2 and #3, and fence panels. Antique Mauve - bottom 1/3 of large birdhouse, small sign, 2 tulips and birdhouse #3. Slate Grey - large birdhouse roof. Pansy Lavender - one tulip, two flower shapes. Sapphire - one sunflower shape. Country Red - two flower pots, roof and bottom half of birdhouse #5, one flower shape, and one tulip shape. Leaf Green - all leaves. White - top 2/3 of large birdhouse, birdhouse #1, one flower pot, 2 sunflower shapes and one tulip and daisy Cadmium Yellow - one flower and three flower centers. Sapphire + White - two pots and birdhouse #2. Let dry.

4. Use slightly dampened sponge to add details to flowers by dabbing contrasting colors to edges of petals, flower centers and leaves. Also use loaded sponge to “stain” mini-birdhouse poles.

5. With liner brush, paint contrasting bands of color on flower pots, Slate Grey stripes, Taffy Cream hearts and Leaf Green leaves and stripe on bottom 1/3 and doorways of large birdhouse and flowers on mini-birdhouses. Let dry.

6. With Sharpie Fine Point Pen, detail flower petals, leaf veins, cat fur and face, outline hearts, shingles, and boards on large birdhouse and details on mini-birdhouses. Use Sharpie Medium Point Marker to letter “Love is in full bloom” on large sign and “Welcome” on small sign.

Finishing Instructions
Use hot glue to attach fence pieces together. Glue large birdhouse in center of fence. Glue mini-birdhouses, flower pots and flowers to fence; glue cat and small sign to large birdhouse; glue flowers and buttons to large sign and buttons to various flowers on fence. Curl craft wire around a dowel or pencil in several places. Pull wire ends through holes on large sign, adjust according to picture, then pull wire ends through holes in fence and secure. Tie fabric strips in several places on wire. Hot glue buttons to fabric in clusters. Glue Spanish moss in birdhouse doorways and along bottom of fence.