Largemouth Bass



1. Sand box and wipe with tack cloth. Center oval pattern surrounding fish and trace oval onto lid.

2. Base around oval and bottom of box with 2 coats of Hauser Dark Green. Sand between coats. Let dry.

3. Crinkle and squash up plastic wrap. Mix control medium and Hauser Medium Green (equal amounts). Apply to half front of box, and immediately press down with the plastic wrap and lift up. Continue in small sections around entire lid. While lid is drying, apply same technique to bottom of box. Band around lid of box is based with 2 coats of Navy Blue.

4. Base traced oval on lid Dove Grey. Stripes around oval are based Navy Blue and Country Red.

5. Trace on the outline (only) of fish.

Painting Instructions
1. With #6 round, base fish with 2 coats of Buttermilk. Let dry. Trace on rest of pattern.

2. With #8 Round, base with wash of Yellow Green on top of fins, back, tail, top lip, gills and top half of body, (repeat at least 2 more times on body) leaving fins light in color.

3. While last step is drying, proceed to front side fins. With the same brush, apply a wash of Terra Cotta. (If color appears to seem too dark, blot with paper towel while still wet.) When dry, with #6 shader, float Terra Cotta at base of fins. Line work on fins is the same color.

4. With #5 Shader, float Blue-Grey Mist on entire bottom of fish. The #00 liner, is used for line work on white part of gills.

5. Using #10 Shader, float Anique Green on top of head, back, base of tail fin and top fin on the back. When dry, (using #00) paint in line work on rest of fins.

6. With #6 Round, brush Mix Antique Green plus Mississippi Mud and apply a wash for irregular stripe on middle of fish.

7. Use #1 liner to base in entire eye with Pumpkin. Outline Midnite Green. Float Terra Cotta on bottom of eye. Pupil is Lamp (Ebony) Black. Outline pupil, Titanium (Snow) White and use the same white for highlight in eye for shine.

8. With #5 Shader, float Mississippi Mud for scales on belly.

9. Using the #00 Liner, do cross-hatching on back of fish with Midnite Green.

10. Use the #6 Shader to float Titanium (Snow) White on back of fish for shine.

11. The lettering is Midnite Green.

Finishing Instructions
When dry, apply two coats of Satin Varnish.