Grandma - Grandpa


Grandmas are just antique little girls Grandpas are just antique little boys


Want a Hug? Call 1-800-Grandma (Grandpa)


A grandmother's love is always in bloom.


A mother holds her children's hands for awhile. . . . . their hearts forever.


Gramma makes the boo-boo all better


I'm the Twinkle in my grandma's (pa's) eye


Seasoned Grits-Grandmas raised in the South


Groovy Grandma


Grandma ROCKS!


OK, That's It! I'm calling Grandma (pa)


I'm never in trouble when I'm with Grandpa(ma) OR Grandpa(ma) said I could


Grandma (mom, dad, grandpa...) 

says when God made me

He was just showing off