

Friends are kisses blown to us by angels


Thee lift me and I'll lift thee, and we'll ascend together. - Shaker Proverb


A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.  ~Fr. Jerome Cummings


A friend is a gift to treasure always.


Friends are the best collectibles.


I have a friend
Whose name is (       )
And we have fun together.
We laugh and play
And sing all day
In any kind of weather.


Friends care
Friends share
We need friends


Like rainbows and flowers, Friends brighten the hours.


A friend is a present, which you give yourself--Robert Louis Stevenson


A friend is like a bowl of jelly beans...good to the bottom of the bowl.


Friends at school
Are big and small.
Friends at school
Are best of all!


A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.


A friend is someone who goes around saying nice things about you behind your back


A friend of my many years


A good friend sticks to you like honey


A good friend is like a wonderful book, the inside is even better than the cover!


A real friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.


A smile is the shortest distance between two people


A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.


Forever Friends


Friends are gifts that heaven sends.


Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookie of life.


Friends are the spice that makes everything nice!


Friends Forever


Friend to Friend, Heart to Heart


Friends are Flowers in the Garden of Life


Friends are like quilts... lives pieced together, stitched with smiles, colored with memories, and bound with love.


Friends know the art of giving from the heart


Friends put a bounce in your heart


Friends warm you up inside and out


Friendship is in the Stars. (pics in star shapes)


Friendship is the wine of life.


Friendship keeps our hearts in touch


Friends together in sunshine and shade


Good Friends are Angels on Earth.


Happy-go-lucky days are the ones I spend with you.


If Friends were flowers..I'd pick you!


If friends were flowers, I'd pick y'all! (photos of friends in center of flower)


In Friendship, your giving goes 'round but it never ends.


In the Cookies of Life, Friends are the chocolate chips


It's not the Fishin'...It's the time together


Just hangin' out


Life is nothing without friendship.


Making new friends, but keeping the old


My Friends!


Of all the treasures on this earth...friends are the most precious.


Old shoes and old friends are best for relaxing


Pick your friends-but not to pieces.


Priceless treasure of the heart...true friends will never part.


Rain or shine, You'll always be a friend of mine!


Rocks and Bumps along life's road...thoughts of a friend lighten the load.


Special Friends bring special memories.


Some "bunny" is having fun


Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile leaving footprints in our hearts...and we are forever changed.


That's what friends are for!


The "Beary" Best of friends!!


The discovery of friendship is well worth the search.


The door of friendship is unlocked with a smile.


The journey to a friends house is never long


The reward of friendship is itself- Ailred of Rievaulx


True Friends remain in our hearts forever.


Whenever I think of you, I smile inside.


When you are too busy for friends, you're TOO Busy


You and me buds forever (picture of friends with roses or flowers)


You are my Sunshine


A Friend May Well be Reckoned a Masterpiece of Nature


It is Chance that Made us Co-workers (or any word) But Hearts that Made us Friends


U R Beary Special (Add name, if desired)


Life began in a Garden


Friends are the flowers in life's garden


May all your weeds be wildflowers


When Life Hands you Lemons, Make Lemonade


A Friend's House is Never Far


Friendship is the wine of life