Contemporary Cottage
Transferring a Pattern
Lay tracing paper over pattern and draw the basic lines. Lay this tracing on the surface to be painted. Slip graphite paper between the tracing and the surface. Tape to secure. Trace with a pencil to transfer the design. Do not trace details until after basecoating has dried. Instructions 1. Transfer pattern onto wood. After basecoating on each section has dried, transfer details. 2. Basecoat the base Buttermilk, grass Celery Green, 2 large stripes, peak of house and stripe on roof with 2:1 mix of Titanium White and Orchid, sky and roof with 4:1 mix of white and Country Blue. 3. Float upper edge of sky in Admiral Blue; clouds white. 4. Float shadows on grass Evergreen; highlights Limeade. 5. Paint sunflower leaves Evergreen. Stipple sunflowers Golden Straw tipped in white. Dot center Dark Chocolate. 6. Basecoat one house Orchid plus a touch of white. Float shadows Orchid plus a touch of Dark Chocolate. Basecoat one house Golden Straw plus a touch of white. Float shadows Golden Straw plus a touch of Dark Chocolate. Wash inside of window with light blue mix. Float upper area Country Blue. 7. Basecoat door and all paths with 1:1 mix of Buttermilk and Dark Chocolate. Float shadows with Dark Chocolate. 8. Do all window and door sills in white. Basecoat barn Antique Rose plus a touch of Heritage Red. Streak with Peach Sherbert. Float shadows with Heritage Red. Basecoat all roofs and inside barn door and hayloft with black plus a touch of Country Blue. Streak hay first in Golden Straw and then Buttermilk. 9. Basecoat tree trunks Dark Chocolate and trees in 1:1 mix of Celery Green and Evergreen. Float shadows Evergreen and highlights Limeade. Paint all fences Buttermilk. 10. Paint apples in trees Antique Rose. Float shadows Heritage Red and highlights Peach Sherbert. Stroke leaves Evergreen. 11. Basecoat flower bushes Celery Green plus a touch of Evergreen. Stipple some flowers each of the following ways: Antique Rose tipped in white, Country Blue tipped in white and Golden Straw tipped in Buttermilk. 12. Paint checks Country Blue plus touch of black. On Buttermilk area, paint diagonal stripes Celery Green with cross stripes of Golden Straw and Antique Rose plus touch of white. 13. Paint diamonds on roof Wisteria and stripe area under roof Wisteria and Jade Green. 14. Do all accent lines Glorious Gold. |