Climbing Critters




Crayons or markers
Paper plate
Drinking straw
Paper towel tube
2 wooden beads




Step 1:

Use crayons or markers to draw an animal on the paper plate. Cut out the drawing with scissors and then color the flip side.


Step 2:

Cut two 1-inch pieces off the straw. Roll the end of each foreleg of the animal over one of the straw pieces and staple the edge of the paper in place.                                                                           


Step 3:

Cut two 4-foot lengths of string and tie them around the ends of the paper towel tube.         


Step 4:

Thread the strings through the straw pieces. Then, tie a bead to the end of each string.      


Step 5:

To make the animal climb, first use a short piece of string to hang the tube overhead--from a cupboard knob perhaps. Then, slide the cutout to the bottom of the strings. Using the beads as handles, pull the strings gently, alternating from side to side, and the animals will scoot to the top.