Charming Teddies



1. Basecoat box and album with Asphaltum. Let dry.
2. Apply Weathered Wood. Let dry.
3. Apply one thick coat of Sand, being sure not to overstroke. (Overstroking will cause holes. If this happens, patch when dry.)
4. For box, basecoat sides of lid and add comma strokes to sides of
box bottom with Asphaltum plus Milk Chocolate.
5. Transfer pattern for chair and quilt.

1. Basecoat chair and quilt Lt. Buttermilk, shade Milk Chocolate and deepen spots with Asphaltum. Use end of brush to make dots on chairs. Add highlights on back with Lt. Buttermilk, if necessary.
2. Side load plaid on quilt with Baby Blue, then Boysenberry Pink.
3. Apply pattern for bear and ruffle.
4. With Decorating Paste and angle tip, add paste to one part of bear at a time. Stipple with filbert to add texture. (See photo below.)
5. Add raised ruffle with Decorating Paste and tip; use filbert to smooth it down to quilt, but keep it off the quilt. (Use blow dryer to speed drying time.)
6. Basecoat ruffle Lt. Buttermilk; shade with Boysenberry Pink plus Asphaltum.
7. Paint rose Boysenberry Pink plus Lt. Buttermilk; shade with Boysenberry Pink. Add side loaded Lt. Buttermilk petals.
8. Leaves are Midnite Green plus Lt. Buttermilk; shade with Lt. Buttermilk.
9. Bear is basecoated with a wash of Milk Chocolate. Shade with Asphaltum and deepen shade here and there with a little Asphaltum plus Lamp Black. Eyes, nose and mouth are Lamp Black with Lt. Buttermilk stroke. Cheeks are float of Boysenberry Pink. Bow is Baby Blue with Lt. Buttermilk highlights.

1. Varnish both pieces with Satin Varnish using large flat brush. Let dry.
2. Apply wash of Asphaltum and wipe off before it dries. Add 2 more coats of varnish.
3. Add 2 pieces of decorative paper to inside of photo album, if desired.