Cat and Mouse Game



Product Note
Americana Acrylics are artist-quality, water-based, non-toxic paints. They are intermixable and suitable for almost any surface. They are creamy to facilitate smooth and easy brush strokes, and highly pigmented for richer color and one-stroke coverage. The wide range of colors makes color coordination easy: It reduces the waste of mixing to get the perfect hue.

Transferring Patterns
Lay tracing paper over pattern and draw the basic lines. Lay this tracing on the surface to be painted. Slip graphite paper between the tracing and the surface. Tape to secure. Trace with a pencil to transfer the design. Do not trace details until after basecoating has dried.

Painting Instructions

Picture Frame & Large Box
1. Basecoat, using 1” flat brush and Taffy Cream.

2. Transfer pattern.

3. Paint various sized circles, using #8 shader and Yellow Ochre

4. Paint cat with 1:1 mix of Slate Grey and Lamp Black, using #8 shader.

5. Paint mice Slate Grey. Use short liner to paint ears and cat’s nose Petal Pink.

6. Sponge all mice with pouncer and White Wash.

7. Use Lamp Black and #1 liner to outline all mice and cats, make stitches, dot mice eyes and make cat’s eyebrows.

8. Paint cat’s whiskers and hair on ears with White Wash and #1 liner. Add eyes with small strokes of Hauser Light Green topped by smaller stroke of Lamp Black and White Wash dot.

Medium Box
1. Basecoat box Slate Grey and lid Petal Pink.

2. Make paw prints across lid with Lamp Black and short liner. Use handle end of pouncer for toes.

3. Paint stripes around box side using Lamp Black and #8 shader.

4. Put dots vertically down right side of each black stripe with Petal Pink and handle end of pouncer.

Small Box
1. Basecoat Yellow Ochre.

2. Referring to photo for placement, paint stripes from center lid down to end of box using Taffy Cream and #6 shader.

3. Paint circle on lid center about 2-1/8” in diameter with black and #6 shader.

4. Transfer pattern of mice and paint according to previous instructions.