Bug Guest House


A bug guest house is a perfect way to observe insects without harming them. Keep them only long enough to observe, and then return them to their home where they were found. Be sure to put whatever plant material your bug needs as food. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the leaves too.


1 qt milk carton

Old pantyhose

Rubber band

Heavy scissors or craft knife

Old Magazines



1.         Cut two window openings on the sides of the milk carton.

2.         Look thru magazines for colorful pictures. Trim and glue them to cover the milk carton, making a nature picture collage.

3.         When the glue is dry, cut a leg off the pantyhose, and pull it up over the box, having the toe at the base of the carton.

4.         Place your bug, plants and water, then pull the hose up tightly, and trim, leaving about 3" to tie in a knot, or fasten w/ the rubber band.

5.         Watch your bug for a few hours or overnight, then set it free. Save bug house for another guest.