Bouquets For The Bath


Preparation - Wash boxes to remove dust or oils. Dry with soft cloth.

Painting Instructions
1. Draw hearts on blank cling stencil, then use scissors or Xacto knife to cut 12 solid small hearts, 2 solid large hearts, 2 empty large hearts, and 2 empty medium hearts, allowing at least 1/2” at edges.

2. Place heart stencils smoothly onto sides of boxes as shown in photo. Sponge 6:1 mix Clear Medium and Rose Pearl lightly within or around stencils.

3. Peel rose stencils from backing and place smoothly on boxes as shown in photo. Pounce Cranberry in rose areas, followed by Rose Pearl. Pounce Avocado in leaf and stem areas, followed by Emerald Pearl. Carefully lift stencil immediately after applying the paint.

4. Attach Fine Liner to Golden Pearl. Outline all shapes.

5. Pounce Golden Pearl around rims of lids.

6. Basecoat Woodsies with Rose Pearl and Golden Pearl.

7. Cut and loop 1 yard of ribbon for each box. Attach to lid with glue gun. Glue standing hearts in ribbon clusters.