Bead Dolls

Finished dolls are approximately 7 inches tall.

Materials: For each doll: 1-inch-diameter wooden bead (head); two 3/8" diameter beads (hands); Pipe cleaners; 12-inch-square handkerchief; 1/2 yard of 1/8-inch-wide ribbon; 1/2 yard of 1 1/4-inch-wide flat lace (optional); 1/4 yard of white fabric (body); Polyester fiberfill; Embroidery floss (hair); Acrylic paints; glue.



For the Doll: From white fabric, cut two 3x5-inch pieces for body. Sew together with 1/4-inch seams, right sides facing; leave one short end open. Turn; stuff lightly.

Cut a 5-inch length and a 2-inch length of pipe cleaner. Fasten the shorter (neck) piece to the middle of the longer (arm) piece, making an inverted T. Insert into opening; add stuffing and hand-stitch shoulders closed.

Glue beads to the pipe cleaner ends. Paint face. Glue short strands of floss to head for hair.

For The Clothing: Cut a 3 1/2 x 6 1/2-inch paper pattern for dress front and back. On one short end, mark 1 1/4 inches in each direction from two corners; cut off triangles.

Cut a 2 1/2 x 2 1/2-inch paper pattern for raglan sleeve; fold in half. Measure 1 1/4 inches in each direction from one open corner; cut off triangles.

Cut the patterns from handkerchief, placing dress and sleeve hems on edge of handkerchief. (For plain dress, cut from white fabric. Add lace as desired.) With 1/4-inch seams and right sides facing, sew sleeves to dress front and back. Sew underarm seams.

Place dress on doll. Turn neck edge to inside and gather. Gather wrists.

For lace bonnet, cut a 1 1/2-inch-diameter circle from white fabric. Gather lace to fit; stitch to circle. Glue bonnet to head.

For plain bonnet, cut two right triangles from hankie corners, each with 3-inch sides. Stitch the raw edges together, right sides facing; turn and fold. Place on head and make two pleats at back; tack to back of dress.

Tie bow around doll’s neck.