Bath Salts



A few shells, a pretty ribbon and a lot of love will craft this gift jar of relaxing bath salts that would be appreciate by anyone!




Glass jar
Gold spray paint
Sea shells
20 inches of ribbon
Thick craft glue
Epson salts
Food coloring
A few drops of essential oils or perfume
Optional: few drops of Glycerin


How to Make Bath Salts in a Decorative Jar

Spray paint the lid of the jar. It will probably require two coats. While the lid is drying, fill your jar with Epson salts and then divide into as many bowls as you would like colors in your finished jar. Use at least three colors. Add a few drops of food coloring, scent and glycerin if you are using it to the salts and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Be patient, the food color will disperse. Spoon salts into jar in layers, using the point of a pencil to push one color into another as you would in sand art.

When the lid is dry, glue shells to the top. After the glue has set, screw the lid onto the jar and wrap the ribbon around the band, tying a bow in the front.

This craft is very easy to do with a group or classroom. Use disposable bowls and plastic spoons. Baby food jars can be used for a nice mini-gift that will cost only pennies.

For group crafting, have lids painted prior to beginning. You might have each child color one large bowl of salts and then trade around the table.